There are lots of ways that you can create amazing image manipulation from two or more images. The one that I have made using Photoshop is the “Green Lizard” is coming out of the “Banana”. The step by step tutorial is given here. So let’s start…!!
Materials : Download Lizard Download Banana Download Background
Video Tutorial [ Youtube ] :
Let's Start :
Step 1: Open Photoshop and go to File -> New . Just Name the image and set the Width -> 1920 and Height -> 1200, Resolution -> 300, color -> RGB and Background Content to White.
Step 2: Now go to File -> Open. And load the banana image. CTR + A and CTR + C and paste it on the main image background. It will be on another layer automatically.
Step 3: Now go to File -> Open. And load the Green Lizard image. Just click on the right sidebar on the Selection tool button -> Quick selection tool. Now using Quick selection tool select the Lizard’s face as shown in the image.Then CTR + C and paste it on the main image background. It will be on another layer automatically.
Step 4: Now hide the Lizard containing layer and go to the Selection tool -> Magical Selection tool and select the white portion of the banana and remove it from the layer. So the formed banana will appear.
Step 5: Now click on the Eraser tool and remove the top part of the banana as shown in the image.
Step 6: Click on the Lizard layer and unhide the layer. The Set the lizard on the Banana. Resize as per requirements and Set again so as the banana upper part will cover with the Lizard.
Step 7: Select the Eraser tool and erase the neck of the Lizard as it look like that it is coming out of the banana.
Step 8: Now combine the “Banana” and “Green lizard” layers together using CTRL + E. and click CTRL + Click. So the lizard banana will be selected. And hide this new layer.
Step 9: Now Click on the burn tool. And Darken the part where lizard and banana is combining. Now it will look like a real Lizard is coming out of the banana.
Step 10: Now go to the File -> Open. And import the Background Image given in the source file as shown in the image.
Step 11: Now unhide the Lizard banana and set as per it suites on the background image using the CTRL+T tool and rotate as per the requirements.
Step 12: Now you can see the image is ready but it’s not looking still real. So for making this image real just go to burn tool and darken the full Lizard banana layer as per the background image.
Step 13: Still it’s not looking real. Just because of the shadow of the sunlight is not available. So let’s make the shadow by right clicking on the lizard banana layer and select Blending option -> drop shadow. Set the Angle to 90°, distance -> 27, Spread -> 13 and size -> 54.
Step 14: Right click on the layer and create the shadow layer. And remove the extra shadow behind the face of lizard using the eraser. And combine both the layers CTRL+E.
Step 15: Now select the final Lizard banana layer and go to Image -> Adjustments -> Color Balance. Set highlights, Midtones and Shadow as shown in the image.
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